Coughs (kāsa) are not just a cold climate phenomenon. Ayurveda texts describe five types of coughs caused by the three Doshas and other physical debility. The more prominent coughs we find in the society today are:
- Vātika kāsa – due to the obstruction of forceful Vata.
- Paittika kāsa – due to excessive intake of pitta foods and pitta lifestyle and behaviour.
- Kaphaja kāsa – due to excessive consumption of heavy, sweet, unctuous food and sedentary lifestyle.
Ayurveda highlights a few common causes that vitiate doshas- mainly around lifestyle and dietary habits. We have got immune to some of these habits due to work, life and other pressures experienced by all living beings across the globe. The following causes stood out for me from the long lists on various Ayurveda texts: irregular meals, consuming out of season or unsuitable food, suppression of urges (we all do those twists and turns to hold!!), and stress- that comes in many forms and sizes.
While Ayurveda describe specific treatments for specific type of cough in detail, we can get a few basic recommendations till you see the medical professional. A wholesome diet, barley and bone soup (yes, when in need), gruel, and some time away from the daily stresses/stressors. Building your digestive system, microbiome, and proper elimination are the main pillars that will help one to bounce back to health.
Ayurveda Indigenous medicine such as Thalisadee, Thrikatu, Sitopaladi, and Sudharsha are effective choorna treatments. Indigenous Ayurveda oils such as kolasleshma, batu, and maha mansha are great external applicators.
A few home remedies – 1 tsp honey with ¼ tsp black pepper to relieve congestion, ½ tsp each of ground ginger and cinnamon steeped in a cup of boiling water, and a pinch of ground clove with ½ tsp honey.
It is best to work with a practitioner to optimise the healing process.
This article does not intend to diagnose or treat any health conditions.
As a practitioner, my objective is to provide comprehensive support to achieve your health and wellness goals and managing or alleviating dis-eases with ancient Indigenous Ayurvedic medicinal herbs, oils, and tonics. The Vata Pitta Kapha dosha (constitution) types and the root cause for the imbalances are identified during the consultation. The specific dosha/constitutional make-up is as unique to us as our DNA code. The bespoke approach in Ayurveda to balance the dosha to achieve true wellness is unique to each individual.